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Steinberg Cubase Artist 13 Music Production Software (Download)

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• Unlimited Audio, MIDI, Instrument Tracks
• Max Channels: 32 In/Out and 32 Group
• Effects Plug-Ins: 62 Audio and 17 MIDI
• 4 Instruments with Over 2600 Sounds


Designed for seasoned musicians, film composers, and project studio owners, Steinberg Cubase Artist 13 is a complete music production environment that combines sophisticated audio and MIDI tools with pristine audio quality. Offering a fast, flexible, and intuitive workflow, this powerful software can be used for composing, sequencing, beat making, recording, editing, mixing, and mastering—making it ideal for producing and scoring tracks from start to finish, in all genres.

Cubase Artist 13 offers several new features including an updated MixConsole, revamped Key and Drum editors, new plug-ins, workflow improvements, and new sample packs. Cubase Artist 13 utilizes a 64-bit audio engine compatible with resolutions up to 192 kHz. The software offers unlimited audio, instrument, and MIDI tracks, and can accommodate up to 32 physical inputs and outputs as well as 32 group channels. Notable features include fully automatic delay compensation, and flexible routing options. Users have access to 62 audio FX plug-ins, 17 MIDI FX plug-ins, four virtual instruments with over 2600 sounds, and VariAudio 3 for pitch and time correction.

What’s New in Cubase Artist 13

Mix Console

The MixConsole has been given a fresh overhaul with a slick, streamlined design to help you focus on your mix.

Range Tool

The Range tool is one of the most powerful tools in Cubase, and it’s now available in the Key Editor and the Drum Editor.

Channel Tab

The new channel tab in the Project window gives you direct access to your mix without leaving the arrangement. The new design means you can intuitively find what you need, letting you mix on the go in a compact, per channel view.

Vocal Chain

Vocal processing is an art of its own, taking a lot of expertise and experience to master the different processing steps. The VocalChain plug-in provides dedicated modules for each step, helping to turn your recordings into professional-sounding vocal tracks.

Chord Pads

The new chord pads make it easy to find creative chord progressions. New presets give you excellent starting points, and enhanced functions make it even simpler to create unique music.


The new VoxComp is a compressor specifically designed for vocals, gently taming your recordings without compromising clarity, transients, or expression.

Iconica Sketch

Iconica Sketch allows everyone from beginners to professional composers to create full orchestral scores of the highest quality, with 140 articulations for 34 instruments in a compact 5GB library.

Sampler Track

The Sampler Track is even more creative, thanks to stunning new Spectral Warp modes for extreme manipulation and powerful envelope creation.


Create classic robotic vocals or add analog flavor to your instruments with the legendary Steinberg Vocoder. Use up to 24 filter bands and a side-chain input, and enjoy in-depth control over the sound.

New Content

Be inspired by five exclusive new sample packs by Grammy-winning producer Beat Butcha, creative mastermind Sharooz, and acclaimed sample boutiques 91Vocals and Touch Loops.

Workflow and Productivity Enhancements

Step and MIDI Input:

  • The Step and MIDI Input features are now even more powerful. Modify note lengths on the fly and add voices on top with the new polyphonic note input feature.

Key Editor

  • MIDI CCs can now be recorded in simplified ramps to make it quicker and easier for editing the controller events afterwards.

Track Versions on Video

  • Working with new video edits is now more convenient with new Track Versions for the Video Track.


  • Export a new soundtrack directly into the original MP4 video file without time-consuming video rerendering.

Start Modes

  • Do you want to start from the cycle marker, the last position, or your selection? Configure where playback starts to precisely match your workflow.

Transport Bar

  • Easily adjust the project tempo to the beat with the new Tap Tempo feature on the Transport Bar.

Channel Configuration

  • Change the channel type from mono to stereo or vice versa with just one click.

Vertical Zoom

  • Zoom in and out vertically with the mouse wheel by pressing CMD+Shift, and decide whether you want to zoom to the transport or your selection.

Key Commands

  • The new Key Command dialog makes managing your shortcuts quick and easy. Find commands easier with the dynamic filter and try new macros on the fly.
  • Cubase 13 introduces many new commands that will make your life easier. These include rename selected events, add marker on active marker track, and move range to next hit point.

MIDI Plug-Ins

  • MIDI plug-ins have had a design overhaul with a fresh new look.

MIDI 2.0

  • With support for high resolution velocity, CC, aftertouch, pitch bend, and poly pressure data, Cubase 13 is ready for the widespread adoption of MIDI 2.0.

Window Management

  • Cubase now features Windows-compliant multiwindow handling.

Video Engine

  • The Windows video engine has been improved, including GPU hardware decoding for H264 and better overall performance.



Chord Track

  • The global Chord Track facilitates working with chords in a project context, enabling transform and harmonize functions throughout the application. Advanced voicing options are used to reflect any changes made in the Chord Track to both MIDI and audio tracks processed with VariAudio, in a harmonically correct and melodic way.

Chord Pads

  • This inspiring tool helps you compose music quickly and creatively. It is very easy to get stuck when writing chord progressions, but with fast and easy-to-use Chord Pads, fresh inspiration will always be close at hand. Jam with chords and patterns in real time and control multiple parameters to change chords as you go. The chord pads are playable via a MIDI controller and real-time parameters allow you to easily improvise chord performances by changing voicings, tensions, and much more while you are letting the music and inspiration carry you along.

Scale Assistant

  • Set your song’s scale in the Key Editor and follow its lead, quantize a solo to the scale, or play live in perfect tune. You can change the view to only see the notes of the set scale. You can even let the Scale Assistant analyze your MIDI recording and suggest the right scale.

Score Editor (Basic)

  • The basic Score Editor allows you to display music notation in Cubase. It shows MIDI notes as a musical score and provides you with basic editing functions. For the full range of functions, Cubase Pro provides you with an advanced Score Editor as a professional notation environment, with full support for virtually every symbol, display, and editing option.

Note Expression

  • This is a very intuitive and accurate way of controller editing. As an alternative to working with controller lanes in the Key Editor, controller data can be viewed and edited directly on the associated MIDI note events in the event display. A note and its associated controller data are treated as a unit, so when you quantize, move, copy, duplicate, or delete notes, all of the associated controller information follows.

Audio to MIDI Chords

  • Convert audio to MIDI chord progressions by simply dragging your audio recordings to the Chord Track. And if the detection does not match your scale, the Chord Assistant can suggest the nearest alternatives based on the following chords. The Create Chord Events from Audio feature blurs the borders between audio and MIDI, letting you focus on the music.

Arranger Track

  • Setup your project in a nonlinear fashion by using an arranger track, which allows you to specify how and when specific sections are played back, even in live performances. It means you do not need to move, copy, and paste events in the Project window.

Chord Assistant

  • You don’t have to be a musical genius to create beautiful melodies, thanks to the powerful Chord Assistant. It helps you generate everything from simple pop to complex jazz chord sequences that sound great. It is even possible to specify the first and final chords, and if you don’t know what should go inbetween, the Chord Assistant will list chord suggestions, which you can choose from.

More Composing

Tempo Track

  • With the Tempo Track you can control the speed at which the project is played.

Signature Track

  • The Signature Track works in a similar way to the Tempo Track, but you have to stick to the bars of the project and you will not be able to add a different time signature anywhere other than on the first beat of a bar.

Track Versions

  • This flexible feature helps to significantly speed up your workflow by allowing you to create, rename, and manage parallel versions of the same audio, MIDI, instrument, chord, tempo and signature track (or tracks), using them to compare takes or create alternative versions of your recordings, while keeping all track settings. It interfaces perfectly with existing track handling features like lanes.

Global Transpose Track

  • Here you can transpose either the entire project or sections of it, a function which is very useful if, for example, you want to create harmonic variations.

Hermode Tuning

  • Hermode Tuning dynamically retunes the notes you play, creating clear frequencies for every (for example) fifth and third interval. Retuning only affects individual notes and it maintains the pitch relationship between keys and notes. The retuning is a continuous process and also takes the musical context into account.



  • Create the perfect version of a recording from multiple takes. Few performers are skilled enough to always get it right the first time in the recording environment, so comping is a vital part of the process. When recording several takes in a loop, Lanes are created instantly for each track being recorded. From here, it is very simple to create the perfect version. Simply swipe across the best parts and a master take containing all selected parts will be created automatically. In addition, the Comp tool offers extremely useful click-and-drag features for instant results.

Audio Prerecord

  • This allows you to record audio during playback or in stop mode. Never again miss that perfect take, just because you forgot to press record. You can specify how many seconds of incoming audio will be captured in buffer memory.

Retrospective Record

  • This feature allows you to capture any MIDI notes that you play in Stop mode or during playback, and turn them into a MIDI part. Retrospective Record means you never lose any ideas.

Punch In / Punch Out

  • These are a pair of markers which determine the record start (punch in) and record stop (punch out) positions.

Metronome Click (Advanced)

  • The Click Pattern Editor allows you to compose custom metronome patterns with up to four different accent levels, and to assign several different patterns to the Signature Track, making it easy for the click to follow any time signature change. You can select one of the many pre-installed click sounds or load your own, ensuring the metronome is always helping you to keep perfectly in time.

Marker Track

  • Add and edit markers that will help you to quickly locate certain positions in your project.

Pre-Roll / Post-Roll

  • This allows the project cursor to roll back by a specified time value before playback starts. When the cursor reaches the left locator, recording is automatically activated. When the cursor reaches the right locator, recording is deactivated, but playback continues for the specified post-roll value before stopping.


  • In this mode recording is reinitiated, the events are removed and recording restarts from the same position.


  • Every time you record on an audio track, a file is created on your hard disk. A reference to this file (a clip) is added to the Pool. The Pool displays folders and their contents in a similar way to the File Explorer/macOS Finder, allowing you to intuitively perform operations that affect files on disk and that only affect clips.


Key Editor

  • The Key Editor is a powerful yet transparent facility which opens up virtually limitless possibilities for songwriters and composers. This is where melodies, chords, arrangements and performances take shape and where ideas are sketched out and developed to their full potential. Based on more than three decades of experience, the Key Editor features an ultra-intuitive user interface and extremely accurate tools.

Drum Editor

  • This is a formidable tool for constructing and reworking beats, rhythms, and grooves, with a plethora of features to help you compose the perfect rhythm for your song or production.

MPE Support

  • MIDI Polyphonic Expression (MPE) is supported in Nuendo. The most common MPE controllers are automatically detected and set up, with convenient assignment to any kind of instrument parameter. A library of exclusively designed MPE-ready presets for HALion Sonic SE is included.

Chord Editor

  • Here you can define, change, and add new chord events.

Chord Editing Section

  • The Chord Editing Sections allows you to insert and edit chords directly in the Key Editor.

List Editor

  • This advanced MIDI editing tool gives you fast access to every single aspect of a MIDI note, which can be a huge timesaver in complex projects.

Drum Maps

  • Different MIDI drum instruments often use different key assignments, which can be troublesome if you have created a drum pattern using one MIDI device and then want to play it on another. The drum maps feature helps you to solve this problem and simplify several other aspects of MIDI drum kits such as using drum sounds from different instruments in the same kit.

In-Place Editing

  • Edit MIDI notes and controllers directly in the Project window. This is a helpful tool for quick and efficient editing in context with other tracks. Expanding the MIDI track shows a miniature Key Editor, and when you select a MIDI note, the info lines in the Project window and Key Editor show the same information about the note. You can perform the same editing here as in the Key Editor.

Quick Controls

  • This is where your most important parameters are gathered in one place, saving you from having to move through the various windows and sections relating to your track.

Audio Editing

VariAudio 3

  • VariAudio offers fully integrated vocal editing and pitch changing of individual notes in monophonic vocal recordings, allowing you to solve intonation and timing problems with just a few clicks. Editing vocal lines in the Sample Editor is as fast and seamless as editing MIDI notes in the Key Editor. Full integration with the Chord Track ensures correct pitch for your harmonies at all times, even letting you harmonize your lead vocals in stunning choral arrangements. Smart Controls significantly speed up your workflow by allowing direct control of all parameters at each segment. You can edit the micropitch level for smooth drifts and transitions, adjust the formant shift for perfect natural tones, drastically transform your recordings with extreme pitch corrections, and everything inbetween. And if you want the popular robot voice effect, it’s easily achieved.

SpectraLayers One

  • This compact version of the acclaimed visual audio editing tool allows you to visualize and accurately clean up your audio. Thanks to the state-of-the-art source separation engine, you can separate the vocal part from any kind of audio tracks, whether you want to remix your favorite song or create mash-ups.

Audio Warp Quantize

  • Warp-quantize multiple audio tracks at once using the convenient Quantize panel. By creating warp markers straight from hitpoints, both single audio loops as well as the entire arrangement can be nondestructively quantized with a single mouse click—just like MIDI parts. Importantly, because the audio events are warped, rather than sliced, they automatically follow any tempo or pitch changes of your project, while remaining uncluttered for easy arrangement.

Audio Parts

  • Audio Parts are containers for audio events. If you want to treat several audio events as one unit in the Project window, you can convert them to a part.

Hitpoint Detection

  • Hitpoints mark musically relevant positions in audio files. When activating this function, the transient positions will be detected and hitpoints will be created automatically, by analyzing onsets and melodic changes within the audio.

Render In-Place

  • Bounce MIDI and audio parts easily, defining exactly what processes to include, and, for example, render track effects in the newly created events. When rendering in-place, a new audio track is created with all effects settings copied over from the original source track, plus the rendered audio, including intact event boundaries.

Sample Editor

  • Edit your audio with almost limitless creative freedom in the Sample Editor. A comprehensive set of tools offers a huge range of functions, covering everything from common editing tasks down to sample level adjustments. It is a complete production environment with fast, intuitive and outstanding quality audio tools, which allow you to manipulate your recordings in almost any way imaginable.

Time Stretch

  • This function allows you to change the length and tempo of the selected audio without affecting the pitch.



  • Cubase’s MixConsole excels not only in terms of usability, look and feel, but also sounds like a high end analog mixing console. Featuring a scalable, dedicated full-screen mode, the MixConsole is optimized for mouse-free operation – virtually all channel elements are accessible via the computer keyboard and screen reader software for the visually impaired. Featuring View Sets and Channel Zones for the utmost flexibility, ‘one click’ direct routing, customizable track icons, track notepad, drag-and-drop support and plug-in / channel search function, it feels like having a state-of-the-art mixing console in your computer—and sounds like it, too.

Channel Strip (Advanced)

  • The channel strip modules are the very heart of our exceptional sound. Carefully crafted in close collaboration with seasoned audio engineers who have many years of experience working with the best hardware mixing consoles, the channel strip modules are integrated into every channel and deliver the stunning, professional mixer quality essential for you to turn your music into fantastic productions.

MixConsole History

  • Have you ever wanted to compare different mixes with just one mouse click? MixConsole History tracks all changes made in the MixConsole and easily lets you choose from several stages of your mixing process, simply by selecting them from a list. As well as basic mixer undo/redo, it allows you to experiment freely to choose the mix that suits your project best.

Easy Side-Chaining

  • This commonly-used technique is very popular in contemporary music production and has a wide range of creative applications, from creating the well-known bass pumping effect or making space for the kick drum in your mix to many other sonic effects. It is also a very helpful tool for sound designers to use a sound source to modulate the behavior of a totally different sound, creating interesting ambiences or otherworldly effects. Steinberg’s straightforward side-chain setup lets you create the desired routing with just a few clicks. Activate side-chaining in your FX plug-in, select the source from the track list, and it is ready to go.


  • A fully customizable, multimeter audio analyzer for professional productions, SuperVision lets you choose from several different modules for level, spectral, phase, and waveform analysis, and create your own custom layout with up to nine module slots to give you a supremely accurate visual picture of your sound.

Ultraprecise Automation Curves

  • Create and edit smooth transitions, for example for musical build-ups and providing detailed automation lanes, while keeping mouse clicks to a minimum.

Track Visibility Management

  • Have a complete overview of all tracks in your project by dynamically displaying only the tracks that you actually want to see. Various View Agents help you by instantly bringing the right tracks into focus, meaning you can maintain a full overview of your project at all times. You can show and hide individual tracks and determine the position of certain channels in the lower zone MixConsole.

A/B Comparison

  • Effect parameter settings can be used as a starting point for further fine-tuning and then compared to the revised settings.

Virtual Instruments

Groove Agent SE

  • Possibly the most comprehensive drum production software instrument ever produced, Groove Agent features a huge library of stunning samples, grooves and patterns, as well as a full virtual mixer and FX suite for even more creative options. Groove Agent SE features an exceptionally powerful beat production toolkit, ready to help you create the best beats, whatever genre you’re working in. Produce floor-shaking sounds and dancefloor-filling grooves with an array of incredible sample manipulation tools, FX, slice editors and much more. Thanks to its deep integration, you will be able to see the instruments mapped automatically as drum maps into the Drum Editor and Beat Designer.

HALion Sonic 7

  • With a massive sample content library in combination with powerful synthesizer engines and effects, HALion Sonic is a versatile sound production tool. Developed for both studio and stage, it is equipped with an easy-to-use interface, intuitive workflow, and an extremely stable audio engine—meaning you can focus solely on being creative.

Retrologue 2

  • This flexible, intuitive instrument emulates the warmth and fatness of classic analog synthesizers. Three virtual analog oscillators, exceptional filters, an adaptable arpeggiator, a powerful modulation system, and an FX rack, all help to produce a wealth of rich, inspiring sounds.

Sampler Track 2

  • Take any piece of audio and use it to create a Sampler Track. You can then play the sample chromatically and manipulate it with the onboard filters, controls and two LFOs, experimenting to come up with new and innovative ideas. Slicing mode chops up your loops, so they’re ready to play with just a click; while for the 808 lovers, there’s the mono legato glide.


  • A felt piano that is so beautiful and warm, so dreamy and melancholic, so detailed and pure is recorded in the Yamaha Studios in LA—Verve was created to create a sonic masterpiece that allows you to tell a new story with every single note you play. You can give Verve a new tone by layering it with additional textures, creating never-before-heard sounds for your compositions. Verve is not just a piano; it is sonic emotions and stories.

Padshop 2

  • This granular synth is perfect for high-tension atmospheres and unusual effects, thanks to having two independent layers which generate up to eight different grain streams. It features a comprehensive edit section, an arpeggiator and built-in modulation and delay effects. The spectral oscillator opens the door to previously unheard soundscapes and lets you turn your own samples into fascinating sonic sculptures.


  • Flux is a wavetable synth that combines HALion’s synthesis with two main wavetable oscillators, a classic sub oscillator, and a flexible noise generator. With a wide variety of options and filters, you can create your own sweeping sounds quickly and easily.


  • Trip is a virtual analog synth that comes with three oscillators, a sub oscillator, a ring modulator, and a noise generator. Accompanied by a flexible filter section, integrated arpeggiator and step sequencer, it delivers a very flexible sound architecture while still being easy to use.

Sounds, Loops, and Presets

Hard Knocks

  • Grammy-winner Beat Butcha has produced a sizzling pack of hip-hop heats.


  • Hollywood sound designer Robert Dudzik has produced the Noir library for cinematic trailers.

Nightcall Synthwave

  • Black Octopus Sound have produced this ’80s Synth Wave sample pack.

Dance Floor Tech House

  • Black Octopus Sound have produced this Dance Floor Tech House sample pack.

Lo-Fi Dreams

  • Black Octopus Sound have produced this lo-fi hip-hop sample pack.


  • Black Octopus Sound have produced this Vocals sample pack.

Analog Techno

  • Berlin-based Florian Meindl has produced the deep, grooving Analog Techno library with his modular synthesizer setup.


  • Produced by Nashville-based producer Allen Morgan, the Blockbuster library is the perfect inspiration for electronic music film trailers.


  • Caleidoscope is a dedicated sample library for the Sampler Track, with hundreds of samples and presets to get you started immediately.

EDM Toolbox

  • The EDM Toolbox comes with 30 new construction kits, ready to open up new creative avenues and fuel your next production. Construction kits are groups of 25 to 30 MIDI loops, routed to predefined instruments (including mix settings) to deliver imme